COVID-19: Introducing Comprehensive Hygiene Practices

  • Flooring
  • Published: 21 March, 2020
  • Updated: 14 May, 2021
Leo Zhang
5+ years of experience
coronavirus response floorvenue

COVID-19: Introducing Comprehensive Hygiene Practices

As the global Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak continues to grow and evolve, we are preparing to mitigate the impacts on our customers and our organization.

The health and safety of our customers and our team is our highest priority, and we have put in place stringent practices to ensure their health and well-being.

5 Practices to Support Our Customers

  1. Showroom Sanitised – each of our 3 showrooms will be sanitized on a daily basis with sanitizer sprays.
  2. Hand Sanitiser – bottles of hand-sanitizers will be provided at each showroom for our customers and our staff to use freely.
  3. Flooring Inspectors – our on-site flooring inspectors will wear a face-mask to each inspection. They will also use hand sanitisers before entering your home.
  4. 2 Metre Speaking Distance – our team has been instructed to speak to customers with a 2-meter distance between them. We ask customers to also do the same and maintain adequate distance from our team members when speaking to them.
  5. Team – any staff (or family member) with international travel has been provided paid sick leave for 14 days before they can return to the office. They have also been pre-instructed to avoid social interaction and practice social distancing several weeks prior to the government’s announcements.

We are closely monitoring the situation and following directives from the national authorities. We are confident that our practices are comprehensive and there will be no disruptions to our organization. We look forward to serving and supporting our customers in the coming months.

To Your Health,
Gordon Zhang
Founder & Director
21st March 2020


Frequently Asked Questions

The most effective strategy is social distancing wherever possible, at a distance of 1.5m. In crowded places where social distancing is not possible, it is highly recommended that you maintain fresh airflow if possible, wear a mask, and wash your hands frequently with soap. Also, make sure to disinfect surfaces you touch, such as benches and desks.

Before attending an event, make sure the organiser has put in place appropriate COVID safe practices to prevent the spread and adhere to current government regulations. You can also do your research to ensure the venue has enough space, taking into account the amount of people attending to practice adequate social distancing. Masks can also be worn for peace of mind and extra protection.

At FloorVenue, ensuring our customer’s safety is of paramount importance to us. All of our showrooms are now sanitized on a daily basis. All visitors to our store are provided with hand sanitizer, as well as a 2 meter speaking distance rule adhering to government regulations. Our inspectors will also wear face masks when entering your home, as well as sanitising their hands upon arrival.

Always wash your hands with soap and water before putting on and after taking off medical gloves or masks. Also, sanitize your hands often and thoroughly by using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer — but only if your hands aren’t visibly dirty. Don’t touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

At the moment, there is no distinct correlation between bathrooms and increased transmission of COVID 19. However, this disease spreads through particles, and as such, it may put you at risk if an infected person has used the bathroom before you. Effecitive prevention measures include limiting use of public bathrooms, and if you do, ensure the contact areas are well sanitised, and that you wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water afterwards.

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