Article Category: Cleaning

What is Triexta Carpet? Triexta carpet, also known as polytrimethylene terephthalate (PTT), is a type of synthetic carpet fibre made from corn starch and polyester. It...

Dirty floors along hallways are always a turn-off. If you own a facility (or home) that has installed vinyl floors, the following article can explain...

So you've chosen to install an engineered floor in your home, but now the real question comes - how do you clean and maintain it?...

When it comes to bamboo flooring, there are multiple factors to consider - abrasiveness of tools, the amount of water and harshness of chemical cleaners...

If you’ve made the choice to use timber flooring in your home or business, a preceding concern would be methods of cleaning. Regular maintenance of...

When first installed, laminate floors will look shiny and brand new. However, there will be effort involved in keeping the planks looking as fresh as...

So you've laid hybrid floors in your home which look absolutely beautiful, and are even waterproof for your peace of mind. However there is always...

Maintaining floors is a key part of maintaining your home. As flooring is a significant investment that can transform the beauty of your home, you...


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